Welcome! I’m glad you found your way here. This space has been created especially for women who work in collegiate ministry. Your job is unique. Who gets spring break trips and barn parties as part of their job description? Your lives are unique. Most of you probably earn your salary by raising your own financial support. Most of all, your opportunities are unique. You get to share the gospel with college women who have never heard or really understood who Jesus is and how he wants to redeem them. You get to sit face to face with women who are navigating a crucial season of life, deciding how or if faith will intersect with their future. Some are considering or reeling from disastrous choices. You get to speak to them of God’s purposes, grace and forgiveness. Day after day you get to hear stories of heartache and hope and redemption. You get a front row seat to what God is doing. You also help keep your local coffee shop in business (and you have your own little “corner office” there!)
The content on this website is chosen particularly for single women who serve full time on a collegiate staff team, investing their lives in the next generation. However, if you play any role at all in a college ministry, you are welcome to join our discussion here. Some of you are married and serving on staff. Some of you serve part time or in a volunteer capacity. Some of you are wives of directors and are busy raising children and going to baseball practice and gymnastics. Even so, you find your home frequently stuffed full of college students for meetings and meals and game nights. I hope there will be something here for you too.
As a matter of fact, any woman is welcome. If you resonate with what you find here, then come on in. Brew yourself a cup of coffee, pull up a chair and spend a few minutes with other women whose lives look a lot like yours. My prayer is that you will find camaraderie and spiritual nourishment for your own soul. I also hope you will discover some practical help for ministry and discipleship.