What Are You Doing for Lent This Year?

I have noticed that coloring is not just for kids anymore.  College students are coloring for fun and relaxation.  Adult women are breaking out the coloring books after the kids go down at night.  Maybe some of you on staff have picked up a box of crayons or colored pencils yourself lately!  The link below is to an article titled Praying in Color and it is an activity to help you engage Lent in a new way this year.   I’m all in favor of giving something up for Lent.  I plan to say “no” to something in my own life.  But, I also like the idea of saying “yes” to something.  Here is a way to observe Lent by reflecting on a word, or a passage, or by praying for a different person each day – with your Crayola in hand.  Have fun!  And may God draw each of us nearer to his heart as we march toward Easter.   
